Walking on the Charles River, MA – Demo Video of Prototype

Watch the walking on water demo movie on YouTube
From ancient Egypt and Greece to India and China – people have always dreamed of walking on water.
Snowshoes make it possible to walk in deep snow, and similarly, our invention makes it possible to walk of water
Another Human Dream Materialized
In Boston, 1858 –H.R. Rowlands had experimented with walking on water long before the Wright brothers tried solving another crazy dream: human flight.
Rowlands and other inventors that followed over the past centuries tried hard and were granted numerous patents but achieved little real progress -Walking on water is an elusive and complex technical problem involving mainly stability, control and efficient conversion of the legs’ movement into effective propulsion.
We solved this problem in 2002.
How It’s Done
Our invention makes it possible for a person to walk on water at a near normal gait without using any additional accessory.
The user gets into the pontoons on dry land, steps into the water and simply keeps going forward after losing contact with solid ground. Bindings are not necessary.
Slow current, small waves, mild wind and underwater obstacles offer little problem and walking through thin ice is quite easy. The user is changing direction by shifting his weight and changing the direction of his feet and legs.
When going back to land the water walker just walks towards shore and gradually steps out of the water with his feet still inside the pontoons.
Using this invention enables people to navigate on water in a manner substantially similar to the way they do on dry land, but not as easily and swiftly: Snow shoeing is a good analogy.
The invention also enables jumping on water.
Stepping becomes unnecessary with a strong wind is blowing in a favorable direction.
We see possible applications in outdoor sports and recreation

In The Media:
…-“Yet he was quickly gliding along like a cross-country skier. Rosen stayed upright and asked if I’d like to give it a shot.”
“The Dreamer”
Article by Stephen Jermanok, The Boston Globe 09/26/2004
“Inventing a Way to Walk on Water”
Article by Teresa Riordan, The New York Times 08/02/2004
And There’s Better Than Walking On Water
Stand up paddle boards are unstable, clumsy and hard to paddle. They lack directional stability, and they offer no plan B in case you have to paddle against the wind…
Wavewalk created a watercraft that’s truly suitable for stand up paddling (SUP). It’s called the Wavewalk kayak, and it offers stand up paddling and fishing in full confidence.